Matthew 4:4 Reflections

July 13, 2019
Devotional Reflections

This mornings’ words of meditation from the bible is timely with my thoughts as I woke up this morning.

I was thinking about all these things that I have been working hard for, roof over my head, clothes to cover my body, food for my hungry stomach, even vehicles for transportation.

But who created people who built these homes that I lived in and the clothes to cover my body and vehicles. The plants and animals for my food did not just come out of nowhere. It was God who was the beginning of all these.

Yes, I would need the help of these things, but I still need God to keep these coming to me, or else they will all just be gone in a flash. Even I would be gone from all of these and wouldn’t know where I will end up in if not for the assurance from God’s words in the Bible.

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